I'm my own best travel buddy!
My sister, one of my favorite humans ever, told me recently "Sasha, write it all down because memories don't last forever". This blog is going to be my online travel journal so that I can remember all of my experiences when I'm old and gray. And who knows, maybe it'll even be entertaining enough that you'll want to read up on some of the neat situations I find myself in.
"I hope to arrive to my death, late, in love, and a little drunk"
For as long as I can remember I have been scanning through travel websites and airline deals, while simultaneously wishing that I could be where the palm trees are. I'm finally making this a reality (every now and then) and I no longer spend hours online creating travel itineraries for no reason...I'm getting to use them!
Now that I'm in my mid-twenties I feel completely able to navigate foreign lands and properly handle myself in the sometimes difficult situations that the travel life can throw at me. I've gone on a few trips on my own already and I cannot wait to see where I get swept off to on the next one (and the one after that).
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